Our History
It was late 2019 and we knew we would be moving on from our franchise commitment in 2020. We felt strongly that we could develop a pizzeria with a fun, inviting environment, crazy good pizzas and superb staff. We have always prioritized community relations, staff opportunities and our product. Missy and I, along with our family are long time residents of Tsawwassen and Ladner. We raised our kids here and are involved in sports and with our community. We love this community and looked forward to developing something that we and the community could call our own and be proud of.
Along with our good friend Paul Didamo from Luigi’s Fine foods, we developed our fresh dough and sauces – Paul brings generations of Italian talent to our products and we were blessed to have him. Our dough and sauces are freshly made every day using only the best ingredients. Whenever we can, we source our supplies from the farms, stores and manufacturers here in Delta.
Our brand name was relatively easy to come up with – Missy and Dave (MAD) – we thought about Mad or Madhouse. The latter won and Madhouse Pizza Tsawwassen was born. We have a name, our products, our core values, a superior product, amazing commitment to our guests, adherence to health codes, and having fun all while working hard. Now, we just needed a business plan that made sense for us.
We always knew that we wanted to have an all-inclusive pizza. We weren’t interested in luring people with deals, coupons, gimmicks etc. (been there, done that), just a solid concept and great local food. Let the customer decide. No ‘nickel and dime,’ just a quality product with what you want on it, how you want it made. So, we came up with an unlimited topping pizza for one price. NO additional costs, period. We do have our signature recipes, but our guests can change, add and delete to their heart’s content and not get a $50.00 pizza. It’s impossible to get a bad pizza.
Our Guarantee
IT’S ABSOLUTE! We guarantee everything we make. If we make a mistake its free, credit, money back, whatever. All of it with NO NEGOTIATING or haggling and done with a smile. The same guarantee applies if you make a mistake, or we all make a mistake, or IF YOU JUST DON’T LIKE IT. Sometimes we’re late – first we apologize, then we do whatever it takes to make up for it. All our staff are fully empowered to make those decisions – it’s our policy.
Our Staff
We are proudly blessed with great staff. We set a standard for ourselves to hire local staff and employ as many young folks as we can. Our staff ranges from 15 to 19 years old, and as many of you know, most days our little kitchen is full of staff. It has been our mission, and priority to mentor and create this opportunity for them, and only with the community’s support have we been able to do this. All of our staff are from Delta, and we thank all the Delta communities for the support to ensure they have a place to work.
Come by and have a pizza, share a chat or just stop in and say hi.